I'm afraid you're all too right on all counts. A lot has appeared in the news about sexual abuse scandals that have occurred in churches, but sadly, abuse comes in many forms.
For instance, there's the money issue, which your post points out. You'll definitely hear preachers being pushy and manipulative to get people to give more money. I came across that all the time in churches I grew up in (mostly charismatic evangelical ones). And in fact, a church in a city I used to live in actually required members to give their tax returns to the church leaders so that the leaders could determine whether they were actually tithing the expected amount to the church!
And it's not just pastors of churches who overemphasize giving money. Just watch some of the preachers on TV. They're master manipulators when it comes to getting viewers to part with their cash. They make it sound like sending in a donation will guarantee that God will grant whatever miracle you want. So sad...